Thanks for being a part of Hood River Hops Fest 2024!

This info page covers what you need for a successful event, but if we missed anything, send us an email at See you soon!

General Event Information

Date: October 5th 2024
Event Start: 11am Event End: 7pm

Location: The Hood River Events Site right next to the Columbia River



Being a participating brewer at Hood River Hops Fest is as easy as it gets. Once you are registered, we will order kegs of the fresh-hopped beers (two) you would like to showcase at the 2024 Hood River Hops Fest. We take it from there and provide volunteers to pour your beers. As a participating brewer, you get 2 Brewer’s Tickets to the event (a full tasting package with a Hops Fest tasting glass, and10 tasting tokens).

Keg Purchasing and Distribution

We will contact you to order the beer and collect your beer description for the Fresh Hop Tasting guide. For any purchasing questions please contact

We can purchase your kegs directly from your brewery or through your distributor. Please specify your keg costs and purchasing information when sending your pour selections/descriptions.

We will be purchasing your two beers in the following quantities:

TWO (2) 1/2 BBL or 50L kegs of each beer.

If anything goes untapped we will sell it back to you or your distributor.

Keg Drop Off: Friday 10/4 12pm-5pm OR Saturday 10/5 8am-10am

Keg Pick Up: Saturday 10/5 7pm-8pm OR Sunday 10/6 8am-12pm

  • Distributors providing cold trailers can pick them up on Monday from the lot.

  • Brewers who are self-distributing must pickup on Sun 8am-12pm

Serving, Storage, and Staffing

The tastes of your fresh-hopped beers are poured by our wonderful volunteers. We will provide ice, menu signs, and keg buckets. We have a fridge truck on site to keep your beers cold until event time. Once your keg order is placed with David, you are all set for showcasing your beer at Hood River Hops Fest.

Jockey Boxes

You'll need to provide your own jockey box or arrange for one through your distributor.


Food & Craft Vendor Load-In

Friday 10/4 12pm-5pm
Saturday 10/5 8am-9:30am

  • Must be set up and event-ready by 10:30am.

  • Cars must be off-site by 10am.

  • You will be assigned your booth when you arrive

    • Vendor spaces are first come first serve - meaning you will be assigned your booth when you arrive and we will load you into your space in order of arrival.

  • Load out after the event ends.

Vendor Booths

Craft vendor spaces are 10x10.
Food vendor spaces are 10x20 (let us know if you require more space).

You must provide your own tents, tables, and anything else you need for your personal set up.


Food & craft vendors are required to obtain a certificate of insurance with True West listed as the certificate holder. SEE OUR REQUEST LETTER HERE FOR THE EXACT COVERAGE REQUIRED. Send us a copy at


There is power available for food vendors. If you are a food vendor who requires more than 110v power (or a craft vendor and power is essential to your operations) please make sure you purchased the correct power add-on at registration


Potable water is on site.


We have 24 hour security on site, to keep your things safe between event hours.